Yodel For Your Neighbors Day

Title image for Yodel For Your Neighbors Day

Yodel For Your Neighbors Day is a lighthearted holiday where people are encouraged to yodel outside their homes to spread joy and positivity among their neighbors and community.



Yodel For Your Neighbors Day is celebrated annually on January 30th

Year Date Day
2023 January 30 Monday
2024 January 30 Tuesday
2025 January 30 Thursday
2026 January 30 Friday
2027 January 30 Saturday
2028 January 30 Sunday
2029 January 30 Tuesday
2030 January 30 Wednesday
2031 January 30 Thursday
2032 January 30 Friday
2033 January 30 Sunday
2034 January 30 Monday
2035 January 30 Tuesday

World Introvert Day

Title image for World Introvert Day

World Introvert Day is a day dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating introverts and their unique qualities and contributions. It takes place every year on January 2nd and aims to raise awareness about introversion and the importance of respecting and embracing introverted personality traits.



World Introvert Day is celebrated annually on January 2nd

Year Date Day
2022 January 2 Sunday
2023 January 2 Monday
2024 January 2 Tuesday
2025 January 2 Thursday
2026 January 2 Friday
2027 January 2 Saturday
2028 January 2 Sunday
2029 January 2 Tuesday
2030 January 2 Wednesday
2031 January 2 Thursday
2032 January 2 Friday
2033 January 2 Sunday
2034 January 2 Monday
2035 January 2 Tuesday

World Typing Day

Title image for World Typing Day

World Typing Day is an annual event celebrated to recognize and improve typing skills. The day encourages people to improve their typing speed and accuracy, which are essential skills in the digital age.



World Typing Day is celebrated annually on January 8th

Year Date Day
2023 January 8 Sunday
2024 January 8 Monday
2025 January 8 Wednesday
2026 January 8 Thursday
2027 January 8 Friday
2028 January 8 Saturday
2029 January 8 Monday
2030 January 8 Tuesday
2031 January 8 Wednesday
2032 January 8 Thursday
2033 January 8 Saturday
2034 January 8 Sunday
2035 January 8 Monday

World Breast Pumping Day

Title image for World Breast Pumping Day

World Breast Pumping Day is an annual event held on January 27th to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of breast pumping. It aims to provide resources and support for breastfeeding mothers who rely on breast pumps to provide breast milk for their babies.



World Breast Pumping Day is celebrated annually on January 27th

Year Date Day
2023 January 27 Friday
2024 January 27 Saturday
2025 January 27 Monday
2026 January 27 Tuesday
2027 January 27 Wednesday
2028 January 27 Thursday
2029 January 27 Saturday
2030 January 27 Sunday
2031 January 27 Monday
2032 January 27 Tuesday
2033 January 27 Thursday
2034 January 27 Friday
2035 January 27 Saturday


Title image for Tết

Tết is the most important traditional Vietnamese holiday, also known as Vietnamese Lunar New Year. It usually takes place between late January and mid-February, and is celebrated by feasting with family and friends, giving gifts, and paying respects to ancestors.



Tết is celebrated annually on the first day of the Lunar New Year

2024February 10Saturday
2025January 29Wednesday
2026February 17Tuesday
2027February 6Saturday
2028January 26Wednesday
2029February 13Tuesday
2030February 3Sunday
2031January 23Thursday
2032February 11Wednesday
2033January 31Monday
2034February 19Sunday
2035February 8Thursday

Tenderness Toward Existence Day

Title image for Tenderness Toward Existence Day

Tenderness Toward Existence Day is a celebration of showing kindness and empathy towards all living beings on Earth. It recognizes the importance of nurturing and respecting all forms of life, promoting a more compassionate and sustainable way of coexisting on the planet earth.



Tenderness Toward Existence Day is celebrated annually on January 19th

Year Date Day
2023 January 19 Thursday
2024 January 19 Friday
2025 January 19 Sunday
2026 January 19 Monday
2027 January 19 Tuesday
2028 January 19 Wednesday
2029 January 19 Friday
2030 January 19 Saturday
2031 January 19 Sunday
2032 January 19 Monday
2033 January 19 Wednesday
2034 January 19 Thursday
2035 January 19 Friday

Thank Your Mentor Day

Title image for Thank Your Mentor Day

Thank Your Mentor Day is a day dedicated to appreciating and thanking mentors who have made a positive impact on our lives. It is celebrated annually to recognize and honor the hard work mentors put in to guide, inspire and motivate.



Thank Your Mentor Day is celebrated annually on January 21st

Year Date Day
2023 January 21 Saturday
2024 January 21 Sunday
2025 January 21 Tuesday
2026 January 21 Wednesday
2027 January 21 Thursday
2028 January 21 Friday
2029 January 21 Sunday
2030 January 21 Monday
2031 January 21 Tuesday
2032 January 21 Wednesday
2033 January 21 Friday
2034 January 21 Saturday
2035 January 21 Sunday

Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day

Title image for Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day

Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day is an annual event celebrated on the third Saturday of January to encourage people to explore and support local quilt shops, learn about the art of quilting, and connect with quilting communities in their area.



Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday in January

Women Rock! Day

Title image for Women Rock! Day

Women Rock! Day is a celebration held on February 14th each year to honor the achievements and contributions of women in various fields such as art, science, politics, and business.



Women Rock! Day is celebrated annually on January 3rd

Year Date Day
2023 January 3 Tuesday
2024 January 3 Wednesday
2025 January 3 Friday
2026 January 3 Saturday
2027 January 3 Sunday
2028 January 3 Monday
2029 January 3 Wednesday
2030 January 3 Thursday
2031 January 3 Friday
2032 January 3 Saturday
2033 January 3 Monday
2034 January 3 Tuesday
2035 January 3 Wednesday

Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution Day

Title image for Stick To Your New Year's Resolution Day

Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution Day is a day observed on January 17th each year, which serves as a reminder for people to stay committed to the resolutions they made at the start of the year.



Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution Day is celebrated annually on January 12th

Year Date Day
2023 January 12 Thursday
2024 January 12 Friday
2025 January 12 Sunday
2026 January 12 Monday
2027 January 12 Tuesday
2028 January 12 Wednesday
2029 January 12 Friday
2030 January 12 Saturday
2031 January 12 Sunday
2032 January 12 Monday
2033 January 12 Wednesday
2034 January 12 Thursday
2035 January 12 Friday